Sunday, 8 May 2011

Weekend Away (Day 3)

Always the worst part of a holiday leaving day. 

We decided on the way back to visit a place that I have driven past many times but never stopped to see...Stonehenge.

Wow what a wonderful place.

Just absolutely stunning. The site was so much bigger than I thought it would be. 

It was very strange though. Hundreds of people there and everyone was wandering round with these on and listening to the commentary.

But I wonder how many people actually stopped and took in all that was around them. Most people just seemed to be walking round the site in a trance like state.

Eventually we arrive home. We settled down to catch up TV (well we had missed Dr Who). We then had our final Cornwall treat...cream tea.



Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

How interesting, I'd like to visit Stone Henge one day!

Your cream tea looks fantastic!

Victoria xx

helena said...

great photos - and you managed to get them all with none of the other people in the shot

I know what you mean about wanderig if others are really looking at the whole thing when visiting amazing sites