Monday, 13 June 2011

May Roundup

I have found a few photos from May that I have not included in my blog. But I have decided I do want to include them. 

I spotted this post Happy little hooker & other new skills! by Vintage Vicki.

She was saying about mosaic photo programmes which are great, but that Picnik is limiting unless you pay. I have loved playing around with Picnik but I have now been converted to this company. Thank you Vicki.

Here is what I have created from my little play on their site. 

Breakfast using leftovers from dinner and a couple of eggs. Little Miss came back for thirds of this.

Banana Loaf, new recipe was very yummy.

Coronation beaker from Ebay. I wish people would wrap things up properly then they wouldn't end up damaged when they arrive!

Pretty cupcakes.

Charity find set of lovely tea plates.

Another batch of cupcakes before decorating.

Cup cake decorated by Littke Miss.

I picked this picture frame up a couple of months ago at a local jumble sale. Then just painted it up and put in a piece of lovely wallpaper.

Little shelves to be painted up and decorated one for me and one for Little Miss. These are to keep odd trinkets in.

Another little shelf to be decorated.

New special cup and spoon, perfect for hot chocolate.

Plate of delicious strawberries.

Flowers sitting on my desk at work, picked by Little Miss to make my desk pretty.


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